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black spring, henry miller

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“I have never been able to draw a balance. I am always minus something. I have a reason therefore to go on. I am putting my whole life into the balance in order that it may produce nothing. To get to nothing you have lay out an infinitude of figures. That’s just it; in the living equation the sign for myself is infinity. To get nowhere you must traverse every known universe: you must be everywhere in order to be nowhere. To have disorder you must destroy every form of order. To go mad you must have a terrific accumulation of sanities. All the madmen whose works have inspired me were touched by a cold sanity.”
~Henry Miller, Black Spring

henry miller, black spring

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“The dreamers dream from the neck up,their bodies securely strapped to the electric chair. To imagine a new world is to live it daily, each thought, each glance, each step, each gesture killing and recreating, death always a step in advance. To spit on the past is not enough. To proclaim the future is not enough. One must act as if the past were dead and the future unrealizeable. One must act as if the next step were the last, which it is. Each step forward is the last, and with it a world dies, one’s self included. We are hereof the earth never to end, the past never ceasing, the future never beginning, the present never ending. The never-never world which we hold in our hands and see and yet is not our-selves. We are that which is never concluded, never shaped to be recognized, all there is and yet not the whole, the parts so much greather then the whole that only God the mathematician can figure it out.”

~Henry Miller, Black Spring

now is like a rushing river

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now is like a rushing river, and this will be experienced in many different ways. There are those who would hold onto the shore… there is no shore. The shore is crumbling. Push off into the middle of the river. Keep your head above the water, look around to see who else is in the river with you, and celebrate.”

Conversations with God, NDW

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“You have drawn the people, events, and circumstances of your life to you as tools with which to fashion the Grandest Version of the Greatest Vision you ever had about yourself…So bless the Process, and accept it as the greatest gift of the Kindest Creator. Embrace the Process, and move through it with peace and wisdom and joy. Use the Process, and transform it from something you endure to something you engage as a tool in the creation of the most magnificent experience of All Time: the fulfillment of your Divine Self”
– Conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsch

eyes miss image
she leaf in dance heart,
that sky bird
flower wind heart

maya flower

Limited in his nature, infinite in his desire, man is a fallen god who remembers heaven. ~Alphonse de Lamartine

infinite in desire

Alan Watts on Love inspired Madness

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Alan Watts: “the most common psychotic experience is falling in love. While to fall in love is one of the most fantastic experiences in life, there is absolutely no method and no school which can teach people how to fall in love. You fall in love in the same way as you grow ears, and there is no school for growing ears. But if you’re lucky and you’re human you have ears, and if you’re lucky and you’re human, in the course of life, you undergo the experience of falling in love and when it happens, it is unmistakable and tremendous and you see in a very ordinary woman, an incarnation of the Goddess. The question is, you are certainly not sane when you see this, because she is just an ordinary girl. But actually, the veils have been taken from your eyes, and you have seen one human being as in fact they really are.

But you are of course quite mad. All inspired vision of poetry, drama, of dancing, music, is a certain kind of madness. But this is madness and madness.

sun bleeds fire to echo moon

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Blood Moon Eclipse
hanging high in the corner
of thy star maze lagoon
there you lie the apple of my eye
my mirror, my muse, my moon
in all thy beauty, in all thy charm

said the mirror to the moon
moon be not blue
see self that fiery light, that’s you
moon you melt mirrors mercurial
moon see self through my’es
eye burn for thee eternally

how you’ve whispered such sublime wind
through labyrinths of fancy minds
echoing iridescent across all records time

how you swing
on the starmaze trapeze
with such grace, such ease

how you pirouette
guiding quills of poet’s
and don’t even know it
mirror one echo one, love

moon be not blue
thine beauty glows
minds unglued

see stargazers in trance?
comets ablaze in dance?
such is the power of thine majesty
casting spells with thine glow
and you don’t even know

hence in similar hue
sun eye knows not power
without mirror moon

without mirror moon
sun hath not fire to burn
tis but a seed taciturn
but a lotus pending bloom

without mirror
sun still dreams in womb
moon still wrapped in cocoon
but a sleeping beauty
dreaming of that burning kiss
to melt her yearning lips

without mirror
both mortal, no wings
without mirror kiss
whispering sweets
to the nocturne
whence fire burns,
amber embers fade to abyss

sun pierce heart bleed love fire
warm wintery moon from blue
moon kiss sun, beauty dance make burn
sun fire awaken thy twin!
sun bleed fire blanket clothe moon!

moon rise from cocoon!
spread wings angel thing
dance butterfly in solar fire
waltz round earth inferno burn desire
sun eye love eye moon one aeternum Read More

Ivan M.Granger on the magic of poetry

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“Poetry has an immediate effect on the mind. The simple act of reading poetry alters thought patterns and the shuttle of the breath. Poetry induces trance. Its words are chant. Its rhythms are drum beats. Its images become the icons of the inner eye. Poetry is more than a description of the sacred experience; it carries the experience itself.”
~Ivan M.Granger