Research Assistant
Automated Design Lab


Contributed to graduate research in Automated Conceptual Design. Developed a computational theory by combining empirical reverse engineering techniques and graph-grammar-based methods to automate conceptual design of electromechanical systems.

AI: Designer Preference Model: Rule Knowledge Method
Developed a computational theory to automate the conceptual design of electromechanical systems by combining empirical reverse engineering techniques and graph-grammar-based programming methods. In lay terms, the idea is to utilize computational theory to aid Engineeers in the concept generation process by providing the user with Candidate Design Concepts for constructing an electromechanical system to achieve the user’s design intent, aka the intended functionality of the given product.
Reverse Engineering: Sharper Image, Hybrid Shake Faraday Flashlight
Reverse Engineering: Freeplay Hand-Crank, Solar Powered Radio